Thursday, January 31, 2013

Shindu's Visit

December 10, 2012. Recepient of the Gilbert Family Scholarship, Shindu Alpito, a photo journalist, had a 3-day orientation session at the Gilbert Camp #1 in Semarang (Dec. 10 - 13, 2012). He got acquainted with children of the Gilbert Camps and we discussed about his study plan for the rest of his academic calendar, and his future goal. Shindu told me of his early childhood memory, when his parents gave free math lessons to children in their neighborhood for many years. Free education has apparently instilled in Shindu's heart. Inspired by his parents, he dreams of building a school of literacy to provide basic free education for underprivileged children and adults. A week after his visit in Semarang he began his community service (required by every university in Indonesia) as part of the study program. Students community service is organized by the university which he/she attends, which consists of approximately 30 to 50 students in a group. Such community service is intended as a field study from which they learn about what a community needs, as well as how they may apply their knowledge to benefit the community. While Shindu was in Semarang, I took him and our "son", Irwan to visit my old neighborhood where I grew up. I was so thrilled to have found 2 elderly ladies whom I have known since I was a child. After 30 years of absence.... photo shows Lik Yem, Lik Djum and I after we all wiped our tears. Lik is the short form of Bulik, a javanese word for auntie. The name Yem is short for perhaps Samiyem or Tukiyem and Djum may have been Djumilah or Djumini(we have never known their full first names).... just guessing from the common javanese names I know. I promised them I will come back to visit the rest of their children and grand children.

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