Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our "sons" Rofi and Ahmad

Week Four, November, 2012. It has been 8 months since "our son" Irwan moved to our home to join the Gilbert Family. He's doing great in school, majors in Graphic Design at STEKOM (school of computer science and electronic technology) Semarang. He never missed any class (according to him, which I believe). Proud of his academic performance during the first semester, he showed his grade report to be between B+ and A-. In the meantime, "our son" Rofi who was still living with his own parents in the town of Gringsing was ready to join our household and wanted to bring his friend, Ahmad. Rofi and Ahmad went to the same high school where Irwan attended and they all graduated at the same time in April of 2012. After a week of staying at our residence in Semarang (we frequently refer to as Gilbert Camp #1), they both occupied our farm house in Gunung Pati to find a new inspiration while trying to find a college that Mitch and I can afford to send them to. Upon our sponsorship Rofi has now gotten his driving license, which makes him a proud young man. For a month or so, he was trying to find a job with the driving license, but couldn't find any, so he came back to me and I told him that we can sponsor him to a one-year vocational college such as STEKOM where Irwan is attending. He is interested in taking computerized accounting. The date is set for him to start school on March 1, 2013. I told him that after he is finished with the one year program, he can find a job and with his earning he can continue on to other educational programs. Ahmad is a new member of the Gilbert Family who is yet to adjust to the new living condition in the city as supposed to a farm in the village, and for us to be learning about Ahmad as well. We like him fast. Good mannerism, calm, seem to be the most mature of the three boys. I have not yet met his parents, but our sons Irwan and Rofi have. Apparently their parents know each other. Ahmad and Rofi love the farm house in Gunung Pati, now we call it Gilbert Camp #2. There they met the grand children of the care takers. Five of the grand children who would soon be "our sponsored children" as well.

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