Friday, February 1, 2013

Early Christmas Party in Semarang

Friday, December 7, 2012. With my best friend Endang, I went to an early Christmas party, the merriest I had ever had in Semarang. I met nice people who were mostly expats. If you are a westerner, you can expect that when you party with the expats you get to drink at least wine or beer. Most Indonesians don't drink and alcoholic beverages except for beer, are relatively expensive in Indonesia. If you are a visitor and you want to enjoy a meal with wine, you would have to go to a hotel's restaurant with a bar. In Bali and Jakarta, however, you might find some high end restaurants that serve wines. Ian and Sandra (husband and wife) from Australia were so generous to throw a very nice party at their beautiful home. Located on the hill of Semarang (literally on a cliff), a bit tugged away from the traffic, their home has a spectacular view of Semarang. Many of the guests were expats who were also members of Semarang Hash (cross country run). The foods that the hosts served were not typical Indonesian, the recipes are defintely "imported", hence some of the ingredients. Many of the guests are foreign investors who, in partnership with local businesses, make various goods such as furniture, candles, eye glasses, garments, which are exported to European countries, Australia, and the United States. Ian works as a general manager of a prominent hotel in Semarang. That same evening Endang and I were invited to another couple's home, Judith (a Phillippina) whose husband is French. They are renting an old colonial house (built during the Dutch occupation in the early 1900's), in Candi (the oldest elite area of Semarang). Again, we all had a grand time with them and their guests. Lots of laughter. Judith loves cooking, and her husband does share his bar with guests .....

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