Saturday, January 26, 2013

First Time to McDonald

December 2, 2012. Today, I am a mama duck again ... "herding with love" 6 children from their small village to the "big city" of Semarang.... going to a mall with an escalator ...on which they were having fun riding .... The 5 grand children of the caretaker at the Gilbert Camp #2, Tri M (15) ,Tika, Watik, Agus, and Rochid and Tri H (9) who lives by our residence. Their eyes were full of joy and curiousity once we got inside the Ciputra Mall. They have never been to the city, neither have they been to a mall. They almost couldn't believe their eyes when we arrived at McDonald. Spontaneously they said: "wow ! It's like on TV !" It was their first time at McDonald. All 6 of them were standing in front of the photo menu by the counter, and all of them ordered items that looked familiar to them, either fried chicken with steamed rice, or fried eggs, sausage, with steamed rice ... or anything that comes with rice. Then I reminded them that they didn't have to eat the same thing all the time. Now it's the opportunity to try something they hadn't had before, something different that's McDonald. Tri M picked sausage mc muffin, and all the other kids picked the same thing ... children are just too precious .... they continued to amuse me. Then the little boy Rochid (9)asked me if he could also have the steamed rice with fried chicken. I said "go ahead" ... and the rest of the kids spontaneously wanted the same thing in addition to the american item. We ended the day in the mall with a photo session with the McDonald Clown.

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