Monday, November 16, 2009

From Magelang to Jakarta

From Magelang to Jakarta.
October 5, 2009

Monday morning, 4am. Most of the wedding travellers had gone back to Semarang (2 hours drive north of Magelang). Ita and Greg left right after the wedding yesterday. Greg had to go back to Jakarta and Ita to Adelaide, South Australia. Four of us are still at the Royal Village, trying to pack up this morning for a 1.5 hours drive to Yogya (Yogyakarta) airport. We will all be split up in Jakarta airport (one hour flight from Yogyakarta to Jakarta). I took a few minutes enjoying the nature surrounding our villa, since I probably won't be back here for a while. It was still dark, but I saw the sky started to lighten. A nice fresh smell. The fresh morning, and the mountain dew. The crickets and other nocturnals had stopped "partying". I will miss the Royal Village and the Royal treatment. We left the village around 5 am in the white van. The drive is very pleasant in the morning when there is no traffic and most people are still inside their homes. It was an easy drive to Yogya airport, and an easy flight to Jakarta airport. In Indonesia, no matter how short a flight is, snacks and non alcoholic beverages are always served. Any flight longer than 1.5 hours, a meal is usually served.

"To join our next adventure, please contact"

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