Monday, November 16, 2009

From Jakarta to Manado

Four Hours Flight on Garuda was worth it !
October 5, 2009

We were at Jakarta airport for about 2 hours waiting for the 10:30 am flight to Manado. The flight would take 4 hours from Jakarta to Manado. If you look at the map of Indonesia and locate the island of Sulawesi, you will find Manado on the north eastern tip of the longest arm of the island. Manado is the nearest airport to the Bunaken islands, a small cluster of islands famous for the best diving site in the world. That's our destination next.

We arrived around 2:30 in the afternoon, negotiated a taxi and headed to the hotel I had contacted from the US. I called the hotel from the taxi to make sure that the Internet is ready for use in our room when we arrive. Mitch couldn't wait to set up his "office on vacation". If you can telecommute for your job, there is one big advantage with vacationing in Indonesia, with the 15-hour time difference from the West Coast of the United States, you can play during the day, and work at night. But if you have a spouse trying to go to sleep and you are constantly on conference calls, then you may have to get your own room !

"To join our next adventure, please contact"

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