Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bern, Thun, Lenk - Vending Fridges in the Alps - May 2014

We began in Bern then drove to Emmentaler to visit the cheese factory and up to the Alps.... dropped off our luggage at the cabin of the Mieschers'. We were later told that the Mieschers were direct descendants of Friedrich Miescher, who discovered DNA.

The Mieschers

Our gang in Bern.

Typical Swiss food.

With the Joneses high up above Thun Lake.

Enjoying wine made from homegrown grapes in the backyard of a couple friends who live in Thun.

On our hike the first day, we saw a self help vending fridge in somebody's yard in which eggs are sold to passersby. Then on our way down the hill taking a different path, we saw another vending fridge. Inside are blocks of cheeses. Our friend Vanessa said it's a specialty cheese that's only made in this part of the mountain and only during certain time of year. The second day during the hike, we made sure to bring some money so we can buy eggs and cheeses from the farmers' vending refrigerators. I did. Took some eggs out and left money in the fridge. Took some cheese out, left money in the fridge and... helped myself with the change. Neat!

Lake Thun

A train station in the Alps

A town in the Alps called Zweisimmen.

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