Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Three University Graduates Who Call Me Mommy

December 15, 2012. Three young people, fresh graduates from the University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta arrived in Semarang. I had reserved a hotel room not too far from our house for Titus and Videz because there aren't enough rooms for everybody at our place. But as soon as they arrived, they asked if they could spend the nights with us instead of staying at the hotel (even though I was paying), even if they had to sleep on the floor. I could feel the spirits in them when they said that they wanted to be part of "the family", and I should have known.... for it is part of the Indonesian culture to be in their "comfort zone", that is: " it's fun to be under one roof". Our "son", Irwan, had put a deposit to hold the hotel room, and although it wasn't refundable, at the end it was worth to cancel the room. We had such a great time at our house for 4 days. Once again, I was surrounded by young university graduates who are smart, trained in critical thinking, and thirsty for information and advice. We brainstormed about every topics such as world politics, government policies, social challenges, future education, career planning and also ....their current romantics. We had discussions after discussions till midnight sometimes till early the next morning .... and at every meal time possible. We also had lots of laughter. I am so blessed to have them. Having them was one of the best entertainment in my life. By the time they left me to go back to Yogya, they all called me Mommy. Thalita, the Vice President of Yogya Debate Forum,whose dream is to become an Indonesian Ambassador asked me if she could
stay one more night .... how could I refuse such a bright young woman ?

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