Friday, March 2, 2012

A Young Chinese Ambassador to AIESEC - World's Largest Student-Run Organization

Indonesia, November 2011

The airport in Bali was still chaotic on the day we left the island. In fact, the flight to Semarang was delayed 5 times. Our guess is that many of the ASEAN delegations decided to extend their "vacation" in Bali. The arrival time in Semarang was supposed to be 4pm. But my husband and I didn't leave Bali till after 9pm. It's 1 hr 30 min flight from Denpasar to Semarang. During the delay, we met a college student from China who is the Chinese ambassador to AIESEC, the World's largest student-run organization. Speaks English fluently, the 20 year old female student took a leadership position on the international stage at such a young age.

She was on the way to Diponegoro University in Semarang where she will be attending a conference held by her organization. She looked lost and worried, was trying to get a wifi so she can contact her host in Semarang. I told her that I live by the university and that she can use my cell phone to contact her host. She was so grateful now that she 'has a phone' to contact her host everytime there is a delay announcement. Our flight was delayed several times....

When we finally arrived in Semarang it was around 9:30pm, someone other than her host was picking her up .... once again, I felt like playing a mom.

She sent me an email 2 days later telling us thanks for helping her. Until the day I write this blog, I have not heard from her again since......

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