Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mudjiono in Gunung Pati - Beginning of Jan. 2012

Beginning of January 2012

After I met Mudjiono, the father of our would be "son", Irawan in November 2011, I offered him and his family the opportunity to move to Semarang and live at our farm house in Gunung Pati. My thought was that he could work the land and make the farm tools, as that is his trade. However, it was hard for him (or anyone at the age of 50+ ... I suppose) to make a drastic change. After staying for 3 days trying to get accustomed to the house, the land, and the neighbors .... he decided he couldn't leave his own home and neighbors where he's been living for his entire life. The good news is that he accepted our offer to sponsor his son Irawan to further his education after he graduated from high school.

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