Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Christmas 2011 at the Gilbert's Camp

December, 2011
The island of Java, Indonesia.

The heavy rains cleared the air and it cooled down the temperature a little bit. I had that feeling again .... here I am again in a moslem country during Christmas time, just like the year before, but different. Last year, My husband and I had celebrated Christmas together with friends and their families in the busy city of Jakarta. There were about 30 of us having lunch at a seafood restaurant that day, and in the evening we gathered once more for Christmas music at Marini's family home. Her nephews who are great musicians entertained us with their piano and violin plays. We all sang Christmas carols. It was one of the nicest Christmas time I have had.

This year,however, ... my husband and I could only celebrate it together in thought and in communication. Thanks to Google Talk that gives us the pleasure of having 24/7 communication without worrying that we will be breaking our wallet. With this, we are constantly connected though the Pacific ocean separates us.

I had made a commitment to bring Rina and her two girls to our house during Christmas holidays. In Indonesia, though the majority of the people embrace Islam, the government observes Christmas as a public holiday, and schools are given a week break. I took this opportunity to bring Rina and the kids from the village to have a "city life". A home with a floor, enough food, clothing, toys, gifts and all..... things they never had. Things they don't imagine could be theirs. It makes me happy to see those eyes brightened with joy.

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