Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sacramento is still my favorite airport in the United States. At least while it's still small enough to make my check in easier and more accomodating to fly out of the United States. And .... while I still live nearby ..... Eventhough there is a price that I had to pay this time. Transit in SFO was 7 hours, for my flight (Singapore Air) was not till 01:20am Sunday morning, and the Red Carpet Lounge (United Airlines) was closed at 10:30pm Saturday. Grrrr ! The internet connectivity was bad, the snack choices were pitiful. Hours of operation is not useful for late night travellers. They should change the color of the carpet ..... maybe instead of "RED" call it "BLUE CARPET LOUNGE" ?

The one shot flight to Hong Kong was the longest segment of this journey. Duration: 13.5 hours. After 3 movies, 2 meals, 3 Singapore Slings, and snacks in between, plus some sleep we finally arrived in Hong Kong with only 2 hours of transit time before continuing to Singapore. Next segment, Hong Kong - Singapore was only 3.5 hours. Easy trip. One meal, one movie, and one more Singapore sling. Monday at noon, we arrived at Changi Airport, Singapore. My favorite airport in the world. See my previous article about Changi Airport......

Five hours transit in Singapore Airport went fast, as always. I easily found Lufthansa's desk at Transit Lounge E ...... and got my boarding pass to Jakarta. The plane that was going to carry us to Jkt arrived an hour late because of the unexpected storm in Germany that caused delay. And then after we boarded and the door was closed, fifteen minutes later, the plane still didn't move. Soon the captain announced that the ground crew were having difficulties pushing the plane out of the gate. ...... greatt! More time to kill !

I didn't know what happened, I suddenly heard an announcement that we have just landed in Jakarta. ..... hmmmm.... I've been asleep ? I know that the flight is only 1 hr 20 minutes, but how long was the plane on the ground in Singapore ? I wonder if my friend, Ianty, is going to be there at the arrival gate to greet me.

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