Saturday, August 20, 2011

Folsom Lake .....My Last Summer Splash ............


My husband and I had the pleasure of entertaining our friends at the Ballard Group Sacramento, its CEO, Marini Ballard, and her family from Jakarta, Arthur and Sada, over the past couple of weeks.

10:00am Saturday .... got a phone call from Marini saying the "Indonesian Delegation" is still jet lagging after flying 25 hours, so will be late. One hour later, Andre, Cameron, and Randy (engineers at the Ballard Group) started showing up at our house. My husband, Mitch, has been busy getting the boat ready to launch on the lake today. I am ( some people call me 'the mama') finally finished packing 2 ice chests filled with drinks, sandwiches, and munchies. Finally Ed, Marini, Sada, and Arthur showed up ..... and more goodies aboard the boat.....mmm... hot panini sandwich ....yumm.

I don't remember having 9 people on board our boat, but Mitch says will be no problem. Legal capacity is 12. Okay, fine. Destination: Folsom Lake. The water level has never been this high .... nice ! and I love it ! Launching the boat had never been easier. Five photographers are on board. I took the driving seat to pass the 5 Miles Zone, after which Mitch took over. And after that no one speaks for we can't hear each other. When Mitch takes over the driving position, voices are gone with the wind ! ........

Marini wants to go to the cove where we found bay leaves.... I had picked some bay leaves in the wild the weeks before and actually used it in my rendang. We found the cove where we had found the wild bay leaves and dropped the anchor. We saw some kids doing cliff jumping. There was another boat by the cliff, besides us. The people on that boat were watching too. One boy was standing too long on the edge of the cliff when some girls began shouting go! go! Naturally, the guys on our boat want to challenge each other to climb on the cliff and jump in. Ed lead, jumping off the boat and swam to the cliff ...followed by Randy, Cameron, and Andre. Watching Randy standing on the edge of the cliff for 10 long minutes was quite amusing. While the other guys were ready for the second round, Randy was still 'nailed' on the cliff edge !

Marini and I just watched.... because we are 'shy' ..... we are more 'tubers' than cliff jumpers. Tubing is a lot of fun. It is the goal to shake the rider off the tube and watch him/her fall in the wake. Marini and I had a better plan. We both rode together in one big tube, more stable and harder to flip...... and were successfully intact to the end of the tubing session. It was so much fun that we didn't realize we were almost out of fuel and was still far from the dock. We barely made it !

Next adventures: Angora Lake, no name lake, and .... the majestic Lake Tahoe

... all in one weekend.

I can live anywhere .....
I can work anywhere .......
I will go anywhere ..... JUST ADD WATERRR !!!

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