Friday, September 10, 2010

A weekend in New York City

February 27, 2010.

We took another red-eye flight for this weekend getaway from coast to coast. The taxi ride from La Guardia Airport took about 20 minutes. New York was cold, snow piles were every where on the curbsides. But New York is New York. Always busy with tourists.

We stayed at the French Quarters, a guest apartment (so they call it). It's a small boutique hotel in the Manhattan area. Well appointed rooms, with its restaurant on the second floor. Depending on the location of your room, and what night of the week you are staying. The restaurant, which is also a bar, turned into a busy night club on Saturdays, and the noise goes on till after midnight. Just about every other address on this street is an ethnic restaurant, it's really convenient from where we stayed. We never needed a taxi except to go from and to the airport. We walked five blocks to the theatre district, to see "West Side Story". Great Show ! I highly recommend it, especially to those who had come from a different culture, and have now adopted the American way of living. It's entertaining, and learning to understand other culture.

After the show we continued on our night walk towards the Time Square. It brought back the memory of about 5 years ago during a Christmas vacation. My husband and I had had Christmas dinner at Tavern on the Greens (unfortunately it's been closed now). We walked to the Rockefeler Center the next day, then spent another full day at the museum. The day before New Year's Eve, we dedicated it to a day of culinary experience, and learned about Little Italy. Every year on New Year's Eve, I see the cheering crowd around Time Square on TV, and thought to myself, I'll make it one of these days.

But five trips later, I once again ended up being there during a regular day.

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