Friday, January 27, 2012

Our Birthdays at Samaya Resort, Bali.

Life has taken its own course.....

Here I am again.... in Indonesia, and my husband in America. In November 2011, we decided to meet in Bali for our birthdays. I had flown in from Semarang, a capital city of the Cenral Java province. Though warned of the busy air traffic above Ngurah Rai airport in Bali, I went ahead as planned. The day the Obama's entourage left Bali, the airport was as chaotic as it was on the day they arrived. Even more so, because the ASEAN delegations were mostly leaving on the same day as President Obama did. For 45 minutes, the plane I was on and several other airplanes were told to stay in the air above the island boring as it was, I got to enjoy watching what was going on. Several airplanes were flying in circle like a coil in the air. One by one took its turn to land. I was trying to see if Thai Air was in the coil too. I looked at my watch. My husband should be in the air too. He was flying in from Bangkok. I was supposed to be arriving an hour earlier than he was, according to our itinerary. Except my flight from Semarang was delayed for an hour. I looked in the "coil of planes" and wondered which one is Thai Air .... I had been above Ngurah Rai airport for longer than 30 minutes at this time.

I was flying on Lion Air, and the plane finally Ngurah Rai airport in Denpasar, Bali. From the domestic terminal I walked to the international terminal and walked inside the arrival gate so I can be facing the greeters and looked for a sign that says SAMAYA RESORT.... or our name ..... The greeters were looking at me and I was looking at everyone of them for a sign. It was getting a bit awkward, and so I decided to exit completely and make a phone call to the resort. They told me that the driver was waiting and looking for me at the domestic terminal but couldn't find me........ Oh, my goodness..... my husband, again, was trying to make it so comfortable for me. I just love him. When he made the reservation he had requested that the driver pick me up first at the domestic terminal.... he must have given them my flight detail. Knowing my husband, I should have known this. When the driver finally found me, we both lined up right outside the greeters barricade and saw the outpouring passengers .... they looked so happy ....aaaahhh.... it must have been a relief, I could feel it myself.. after going around and around in circle like a coil in the air for 45 minutes it felt so good to be on the ground.

I hadn't seen my husband for 2 months ... though stayed in contact via Google Talk 24 hours . The time difference being 15 hours apart has put our Androids to stay "green" for 24 hours. Thanks to communication technology. Thanks to Google. I can see my husband talking to me via video chat ..... thanks to the government of Indonesia, who set up the system for an open communication with the world. The unlocked Google phone makes it possible for travelers to switch cellular chip in the phone when they arrive in a different country, so they can get a local number. Though half the world apart, now I "see" my husband more often than before....thanks to Android.