Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jungle walk and beer bathing ceremony.

"John is the Hare today" , said his wife, Retno Duewel. "We have to be there early", she said. John Duewel (an American guy) has lived in Indonesia for over 25 years and speaks fluent bahasa Indonesia. The two of them have been the core of the expats community in Semarang, Retno being the mom of the "family" and John "the daddy". Retno corrected me by saying "the grand daddy" .....

Time flies. I met them 11 years ago when my brother-in-law, Jati worked at Patra Jasa Hotel in Semarang. The hotel facilities were constantly "sold". Part of it was because of his connection with the expats community. John and Retno were already active then in building the international community in Semarang.

I hopped in their car, and my driver followed us. Destination: the teak forest of Boja. About an hour drive out of Semarang, westbound. Though the road was rough, it was worth it. About 40 people met in one spot marked with Bir Bintang Van and its umbrella. Bintang is an Indonesian popular brand of beer which the expats have been loyal to, especially for this outdoor event which happens every Saturday.

The group of runners/walkers are divided into 3 categories. Short, medium, and long distance. I chose the medium since there is nobody in the short category. The "weaklings" like myself were let start first. But it didn't take long for the other group to pass us. The rain made the dirt path slippery, but I love the sound of the rain on the wide leaves of teak forest. Every once in a while I turned my head around to check if there is still someone behind me. The overcast, the deep forest, and the clock soon turn the daylight to dark. When I saw no one else behind me for about 10 minutes or so, I knew I had been the tip of the tail. I sped up and continued to follow the paper trail which sometimes made a Y on a split path to confuse the hashers. I was lucky that I took the right path ( I meant the correct path, which happened to be the one to the right).

I soon heard "tarzan's yell". I couldn't yell back but someone saw me from the hill and waved at others. The first greeting as I stepped on the asphalt road was a huge black scorpion, tail up in the air, claws ready to jump at me. At first glance it looked like a toy that someone had dropped, and I had thought of picking it up. At this time I was joined by Andang, Aping, and Mickey. They had fun with the scorpion.

The group was now gathered at the beer stand and John the Hare was to give a beer bathing ceremony to newcomers in a much fun chant. Every member bears a naughty name that the Hare gives him/her at the confirmation ceremony. The name given to me from 11 years ago was Red Light District, but John gave me a new name...... sorry my mom would not allow me to say it for it is in her language, bahasa Indonesia.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Children in a Pub....... only in Semarang.

After spending 4 months in this town, I finally joined the 'evening get together' of the international/expatriates community in Semarang. The group meet on a Friday evening (usually) at On On Pub which is tucked comfortably behind the legendary hotel (a Dutch heritage, Belle Vue Hotel) now called Hotel Candi Baru.

The Pub has changed, not only its name, but also its general ambience. Years ago, the pub was a place for singles to meet other singles or "singly" doubles who wanted to meet singles or other singly doubles.... and no children. Apparently the scene was getting too much of a "friendly" scene for the quiet neighborhood that the pub was getting "noises" from the not so agreeable neighbors. On On Pub was then sold to a group of people within the expats community and changed the ambience to be family friendly with dinner menu catered to those accustomed to international (mostly european) flavours.

It is indeed a great idea to provide a home for those who are far away from home, to meet and hang out together... and those cute children .... I have not seen them sipping beer.... just yet.