Monday, December 14, 2009

The Bunaken Marine Park, Best Dive in the World !

Wow ! What a fantasy ! What a dream ! I have never seen anything like this. If you have been to the Butchart garden in Victoria, just think of that under the sea. My husband who has been a certified diver since he was 11 (the certificate was held till he turned 12) and grew up in the Hawaiian islands, was amazed at the experience. "Now I can die", he said as he got out of the water while removing his diving gadgets. I didn't go under the sea as I am just a snorkler. But even the view from the surface was amazing.

The boat captain and the crew members were such experienced divers. We were very fortunate to have found them. My husband was so thrilled. In this park, you can hop from one atoll to another. It is heaven down here ! I can't even describe the spectacular color of corals.... the blue calm water is a playground for dolphins. It's a place worth flying to.

We had flown 3.5 hours from Jakarta to Manado, then to get to this place we drove 45 minutes from Manado city center to catch the boat. There are direct flights from Singapore to Manado, cost and time is about the same. Go chase your fare !

We noticed, however, there are not that many fish around. Not where we snorkel and dive. As we walked along the coast of Manado and checked out the seafood restaurants, we now know the answer.